Friday, February 20, 2009

Virgins and (the) BYU

Sometimes I wish I wrote like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, though in a virgin-y way. I would ask profound relationship questions and have a highly famous Mr. Big of my own. But then I think, 'I hate Carrie, she bugs the crap out of me.' Plus Carrie would probably have a few STDs right about now. Brian from Family Guy may have said it best: 'So its a show about three hookers and their mom?' Enough of Sex and the City, I just want to have a few profound relationship questions of my own and a Mr. BYU. So from time to time, I may share some timeless dating advice (and by timeless I mean unimportant).

My first piece comes from a Cosmo magazine. It described a few traits guys really like in their girlfriends (and since this was Cosmo I assume being a prude was NOT one) and a few things guys complained about. One guy complained that his girlfriend called at 1am hysterical because there was a spider in her room. Shocker, this is why my relationships have failed! One would think the guy would love to come over and help his #1 girl, but I know what it is like to be woken up and would probably hit the one that woke me rather than the spider. So girls - kill your own spider and try to overcome your fear. If not, join a support group: AA (arachnophobiacs anonymous.) Good luck.

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