Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oh Facebook

Facebook can be a very powerful tool. You can use it to keep in touch with old friends, new friends, family members, and co-workers. Everyone has that friend from high school or church that is a 'pity add' or a friend that you were best friends with for three weeks or roommates for four months, but never talk to again. We all have the best friends, that we talk to in person everyday, yet still chat with them on Facebook, write on their wall, and text all at the same time. Facebook is a place to post photos and videos that are memorable and add little applications like 'Flair' or 'Bumper Stickers'.

However, is this all really necessary? Why must a person have 1500 friends? Is is really stalking when you 'Facebook stalk'? Why is it necessary to check it more than once a week? Or even more than once a day? I find that many of those applications are unnecessary and the insane amount of friends. Therefore, if you are on my friends list, count yourself lucky. I currently have 199 friends, these are all people I currently converse with or that I would consider inviting to my wedding. Lately, I have become hooked on Facebook, despite the horrible changes. Usually when I sign on, nothing has changed. So why this insane need to be on Facebook and share 'What's on your mind' every time it changes? I will never know the answer, as I do not understand my fascination at all.

One last note, your Facebook profile has a 'Profile Pic' where some decide to post the most flattering pics of themselves, or the most humiliating, or even one without them in it. My mom checked my profile recently and decided my pic was not cute enough and that it did not look enough like me. She proceeded to change it to a caricature of me in a bikini that was done at a work carnival. Thanks Mom, for saying that a drawing is better than the real thing :).
In the end I will continue to check Facebook. If only to see pictures of that boy I hate/love and to see who is now married. Or who just failed a test or got stung by a bee. Without Facebook, my life would be complete, just not as fulfilling.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Good Quote

Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

-Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

He Really is Just Not That Into You

Yes, I did read the book, and I did see the movie. Loved them both, though the book was better than the movie. I am not a big fan of self-help books, to me it is just go out there and do it. Go with the flow and try not to think about things too much. However, sometimes you do have to see it to believe it. And I do believe that females do tend to latch onto guys that are just not that into them, either because they enjoy the attention, however negative, and they say they are just in it for the fun and there is no affected one bit. I speak as a firm believer that I am in it (mostly) just for the fun, but my heart defies me more often than not.

First, if he is not calling you, he really is just not that into you. But how about when he responds to Facebook messages where you call him a jerk, or when he wants to help you with 'operation get married', or even when he only talks to you once every few months, either when he is in town or telling you he will go to Provo for the summer if you stay? Yes, he may be a good friend, but understand that you are not his first priority. Either because he has no priorities or you are just there to be made fun of.

Second, if he just wants to be friends (or is not dating you) he is not that into you. This includes phrases like, 'I can only have friends for right now', 'I am always here for you' (but only when he is horny), and 'you are a really great girl and I am being extra nice, but I'm just not that into you'. Ok that last one was paraphrased, but you get the right idea. He wants to date the better girl, the perfect girl, not the one that uses the phrase, 'You are going to hate me' on a regular basis. Even if he thinks about you at night (instead of his girlfriend), that is where you will stay, in his dreams.

Lastly, if he just wants action, then he is into you...r body, but truly not really that into you (or just as into you as he is into a piece of meat). Yes, you are one hot girl (effing hot) but then you become less hot and he quickly loses interest because he either has gotten what he wants, or has found someone else to satisfy his needs. This is the most dangerous because even though you are in it just for fun, your head and heart somehow get pulled along with the ride. Don't be fooled if he calls you 'babe' after the first date or if you are 'just too cute'. And if you (NOT a personal experience) has to beg for action or is described as 'obsessed', just so not worth it.

Side note: If he really loves your baking or cooking, that is usually just what he loves. The countless cheesecakes and other goodies can be amazing, but his stomach appreciates you more than his mind does.

I wish that I could be the exception and I am in no ways bitter towards the opposite sex, more towards mine actually. I have been described as irrational simply because I am female and use that lame excuse from time to time. This book has helped me notice, but take no action. I feel that I will always like that guy that does not call or looks at me like something to eat, but in the end that is not what I want. I do not want a vegetarian, mind you, just a guy who does not always have food on his mind. So I will continue baking and doing my best to hide my true feelings, but my heart is always there, just deep under the surface and always suffers scratches, but nothing that can't be mended with a few scoops of peanut butter and chocolate chips. :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Physics and Politics (and Boys)

I was told by my wonderful grandmother that there are no physics or politics in my blog. Honestly, I don't know how to respond, except with another boy story. PS: These stories all happen amid the physics homework and politics.

I attended a Barn Dance on Saturday night, not my cup of tea but I got to wear a pink cowboy hat! Four wards were invited and yes, there were good looking boys there. I never knew cowboys could be so good looking, but yes, I do like the ruggedness. Anyway, it was there that I developed my new crush. I don't know if he is good enough for Mr. Big (though MUCH better morally), but he is a good boy and and engineer (can I ever escape the nerds??). He seems to be on the shy side, so I am almost clueless about how to snag this good guy. A few of my friends have given me advice - ranging from acting too cool and rich for him, to inviting him to nice social activities to just asking him out. Oh and never forget the most common: bring him cookies. I plan to make a few 'drop-bys' this week and see how he responds and take it slow. I talked to a friend last night who (whom?) I have not talked to for a while an he is assisting in 'Operation Get Married' (not very covert, is it?). Seeing as my life is not really a closed book, I am sure everyone will hear all about the intel reports.

Here is some school and politics to appease my grandma. My younger sister got accepted to BYU (yay!) and I am so excited for her to be here with me next year. If not for the free food with Dining Plus, but just for an awesome family member. And to Taylor I say this: not everyone at BYU is a Molly Mormon or Peter Priesthood and there are smart people here, but smart people to make dumb decisions. So come, fit right in and bleed blue forever. :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Virgins and (the) BYU

Sometimes I wish I wrote like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, though in a virgin-y way. I would ask profound relationship questions and have a highly famous Mr. Big of my own. But then I think, 'I hate Carrie, she bugs the crap out of me.' Plus Carrie would probably have a few STDs right about now. Brian from Family Guy may have said it best: 'So its a show about three hookers and their mom?' Enough of Sex and the City, I just want to have a few profound relationship questions of my own and a Mr. BYU. So from time to time, I may share some timeless dating advice (and by timeless I mean unimportant).

My first piece comes from a Cosmo magazine. It described a few traits guys really like in their girlfriends (and since this was Cosmo I assume being a prude was NOT one) and a few things guys complained about. One guy complained that his girlfriend called at 1am hysterical because there was a spider in her room. Shocker, this is why my relationships have failed! One would think the guy would love to come over and help his #1 girl, but I know what it is like to be woken up and would probably hit the one that woke me rather than the spider. So girls - kill your own spider and try to overcome your fear. If not, join a support group: AA (arachnophobiacs anonymous.) Good luck.

Blood and Gore

I just got done watching Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Flint Street. Very sadistic musical with (I am told) fantastic singing. And Johnny Depp outdid himself again - he performed wonderfully. (Spoilers ahead) Despite the extra gloomy atmosphere and the super red fake blood, the movie was very unbelievable. However, it does leave me wondering if I have ever eaten human meat unknowingly and here's hoping that I have not (really hoping). That was the worst part of the movie (that or the part with the crazy people that reminded me of zombies). My vote: will not watch again, unless I am in the mood or feel the need to throw up. In the mood for a gory movie, chose Death Race. That one was enjoyable and had both Jason Stathom and Tyrese Gibson.

My Take on Twilight

CAUTION: Contains Twilight series spoilers.

I recently finished reading Twilight for the second time. I needed a re-read after completing the series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn). The reading was required because midway through Eclipse I had become almost completely disenchanted with the series. I classify myself as an Edward girl, but he became too sissy-ish and 'whipped' as the series went on. Bella came off as a spoiled brat that somehow always needed to make the situation worse. Listen to the hot (haha) vampire, he has been around a lot longer than you have and a lot more vampires. And Jacob, way to fall in love with a half human-half vampire BABY. That is just weird.

Ok, after that little rant, I reread Twilight and love Edward yet again. Bella can always move aside for me, I will take that cold, stoned, perfect body any day, plus I can walk without falling. And I am over the age of 17 and I have the hardest time believing that anyone at 17 can fall in love and get married. At least wait a few years so that you know what you are getting yourself into. I know, for example, that I have a lot more growing up to do before I go off and marry my perfect prince in a perfectly pink wedding. I know that Bella has always been 'middle-aged' but please she is no Demi Moore and does have the money to snag a wonderfully handsome guy.

I may sound bitter because I was recently told that I will find the guy of my dreams after I swear them off and become bitter. I hope my plan is working and that by swearing off the opposite sex I will find a human very comparable to Edward. Don't think this may actually work because by swearing off guys I hope to find the right one, so technically, I'm not really swearing off guys. Don't tell anyone, lol.

Got a little off topic. I do not have anything against Twilight or vampires (I have Transylvanian blood myself), just read with caution and remember, vampires are VERY dangerous creatures, they lust for your blood and your best friend may just become your son-in-law.